Je bent hier: Bedrijven / Serendipity



5656 AE Eindhoven
T: +31 6 43 19 72 43


High Tech Campus 5

Bezoek Website

“Creating a Better World.”

Serendipity helps ecosystems to see & realize the future with our network of global minds & makers. The vision of Serendipity is “to built and create a global network of sustainable & resilient cities, that their impact shifts from climate zero to net positive.” 

Serendipity is an agnostic independent partner of ecosystems and the tech market organized as an agile network organization. Based on our quality network of global minds & makers (people and organizations) who are game changers in their field of competence, serendipity is able to rapidly anticipate and act upon new developments (social & technology) to create measurable societal impact and systemic improvement via:

  • A focused product/services portfolio towards ecosystems covers; technology, funding, storytelling, implementation and leadership
  • Business development building of the next generation solutions
  • Connecting the unconnected through the ecosystem approach

Serendipity helps ecosystems to see & realize the future, to translate it to today, to have impact tomorrow.