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5656 AE Eindhoven
T: +31(0)40-2305628


High Tech Campus 5

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The focus of IXT is entirely on Data & AI and Robotics & Automation specialists. We want to respond to the growing demand for specialists who can support companies in digitizing production and logistics processes and their customer service. Our mission is to find the right highly trained Data & AI and Robotics & Automation professional for every company who will temporarily or permanently make the digital difference.

Given the extremely tight labor market for Data & AI and Robotics & Automation specialists, we will not only recruit in the Netherlands but also recruit international specialists. In particular, we are active in Spain with our own office to recruit highly trained Data & AI and Robotics & Automation specialists and bring them to the Netherlands.

IXT has 3 service concepts for this:

  • Secondment
  • Interim basis
  • Recruitment As A Service (RPO)


Available at IXT